Employment Verification

JET participants are employed by their contracting organisations and are not employees of the JET Programme, MOFA, or CLAIR. JET Programme Canada does not have the complete information about your location or years of participation on the JET Programme. As such, we are unable to provide employment verification, letters of recommendation, or character references.

If you require employment verification, the Japan Local Government Centre (JLGC) Office in New York is able to provide a basic form of employment verification for Canadian and American JET participants in the form of a Certificate of Participation. Please be aware that it may not be sufficient for some situations, but it does serve as proof of participation in the JET Program. Formal proof of employment can only be provided by your former contracting organisation.

If you require a letter of recommendation or character reference, you should ask a supervisor or co-worker from your time on JET to write you one. Keep in mind that writing a letter of reference is not common in Japan and that your former contracting organisation might need some guidance as to what is appropriate. If there is a possibility that you may need a reference or formal employment verification, it would be a good idea to keep in touch with former co-workers and administrators as they can routinely change workplaces.

 The International JET Programme Website has an After JET Guide with samples of a reference letter and a certificate of employment that your previous contracting organisation can use as a model.